Thursday, December 27, 2007

more new pictures of my munchkin

I was surprised with two new pictures of my munchkin today.  One is of her on a white blanket on the floor.  There are two tiny hands on the bottom right side where it appears another munchkin was trying to sneak into her picture - how cute is that?

               hands cropped

She is wearing the cutest red dress in the picture.  Don't you just love the belt? 

dress cropped

The other picture is of her being held by a different caregiver than in the other pictures I've received.  She is holding her in front of a small Christmas tree.  It's things like the tree in the background or the mobiles in the background on the last set of pictures that really make me happy.  You think orphanage and decor and homey don't come to mind.  It's nice to see that she's not in a completely sterile environment.

The only bad thing about these pictures is that she still is not smiling.  What I wouldn't give to see my munchkin smile.  She looks healthy and seems to be thriving.  They tell me she now weighs 14.3 pounds and is 26 inches long.  Obviously I love getting new pictures but it is also depressing to see how much she is growing and changing and I'm missing it all. 

Friday, December 7, 2007

a holiday gift for my baby girl

Look at the ADORABLE outfit my dear friend E got for my baby girl.  I'm definitely taking this one with us to Vietnam.  I have the best friends!!!

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

momma is happy!

I got what may be my last big Hanukkah gift from my folks (since it is soon to be all about the munchkin).  No, it's not an iPhone, but an iPod Touch.  I already have a phone and a digital camera so the iPhone seemed a little wasteful.  Plus, I would have had to change service providers and blah, blah, blah.  Now I do have an iPod (I actually got it free from the Ellen De Generes show during her first year of 12 Days of Giveaways), but I really wanted this.  It is so beautiful!  I've put my current favorite music on it (Linkin Park, OneRepublic, Vanessa Carlton and Dave Gahan) and all of the munchkin's pictures.  I haven't tried it outside of my house yet so I have no idea how hard it is to find Wi-Fi, but I still love it! 

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bailey is happy!

Bailey has been my baby for the last 12 1/2 years.  When my baby girl arrives, it's going to rock her world.  So, it's nice to know that I can still make her happy.  I think it is safe to say that Bailey LOVED her Hanukkah gift!  It's a Scratch-O-Rama mat with catnip and sisal.  She proceeded to rub her face on it and scratch at it for about 15 solid minutes.  I took a video of her enjoying her new toy but it came it so dark.  So here are some pics of my furry baby. 

bailey happy

bailey happy 2

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

new pictures of my munchkin have landed

I got a very pleasant surprise today in the form of an email from my agency. The subject read "Update" so I assumed it was an agency update. But no! It was updated pictures of my munchkin. I can't believe how much she has grown since her referral picture. Her hair is a lot longer (past her ears on the sides) and her face is longer. As a result, she's losing her adorable chubby cheeks. She looks like she has a stuffy nose...poor baby. After staring at the pictures for hours I noticed a couple of things. First, there was a colorful mobile hanging over the cribs in the background. This made me so happy! Also, the same caregiver from her referral pic was holding her. In the referral pic, the caregiver did not look happy. In the new pic, however, she is smiling down at my little one. You could tell she has affection for her.

It kills me to see how much she is changing. I hate to think about everything I am missing. Please let me come get my baby soon!!