Thursday, November 22, 2007

no turkey but still thankful


Unfortunately, my mom wasn't feeling well today so we decided to postpone Thanksgiving until tomorrow or Saturday. Sadly, I didn't get the call until I had already completed one of the desserts and the cranberry sauce and had cracked all the eggs for the pumpkin pie. Now I'm home with two yummy desserts trying to restrain myself from having a little taste.

My dad and I were planning to go to the L.A. Auto Show this Saturday, but now that we had nothing to do all day, we decided to go today. We hadn't been in years. There were far more people there than I expected for Thanksgiving Day. After the show we thought we'd try to find a place to eat but every single place we tried was closed. I get that it's Thanksgiving, but you'd think you could find one place open. Not us.

Despite the unorthodox Thanksgiving Day I still have much to be thankful for. #1 on that beautiful daughter. I can't wait to get my hands on her!!!


Anonymous said...

Did you have your Thanksgiving saturday?

Kelly said...

Looks like those pies were yummy!