Tuesday, November 18, 2008

que sera, sera

I stole this from Secret Agent Josephine.  I have always loved Doris Day.  I have to say I agree with some of this.  Especially the part about being a parent and not being able to say no.  I don't think I'm nearly as needy or insecure as it indicates, though.  Oh well, it's all in good fun and since I don't have any new videos or pics of Sadie from today...this is today's post!

You Are a Doris!


You are a Doris -- "I must help others."

Dorises are warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people's needs.

How to Get Along with Me

* Tell me that you appreciate me. Be specific.

* Share fun times with me.

* Take an interest in my problems, though I will probably try to focus on yours.

* Let me know that I am important and special to you.

* Be gentle if you decide to criticize me.

In Intimate Relationships

* Reassure me that I am interesting to you.

* Reassure me often that you love me.

* Tell me I'm attractive and that you're glad to be seen with me.

What I Like About Being a Doris

* Being able to relate easily to people and to make friends

* Knowing what people need and being able to make their lives better

* Being generous, caring, and warm

* Being sensitive to and perceptive about others' feelings

* Being enthusiastic and fun-loving, and having a good sense of humor

What's Hard About Being a Doris

* Not being able to say no

* Having low self-esteem

* Feeling drained from overdoing for others

* Not doing things I really like to do for myself for fear of being selfish

* Criticizing myself for not feeling as loving as I think I should

* Being upset that others don't tune in to me as much as I tume in to them

* Working so hard to be tactful and considerate that I suppress my real feelings

Dorises as Children Often

* Are very sensitive to disapproval and criticism

* Try hard to please their parents by being helpful and understanding

* Are outwardly compliant

* Are popular or try to be popular with other children

* Act coy, precocious, or dramatic in order to get attention

* Are clowns and jokers (the more extroverted Dorises), or quiet and shy (the more introverted Dorises)

Dorises as Parents

* Are good listeners, love their children unconditionally, and are warm and encouraging (or suffer guilt if they aren't)

* Are often playful with their children

* Wonder: "Am I doing it right?" "Am I giving enough?" "Have I caused irreparable damage?" * can become fiercely protective

Find out who you are at HelloQuizzy.com


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