I have so much to be thankful for this year. First and foremost, I am so thankful for Sadie. She is more amazing than I could have ever imagined and being her mom is the best thing I will ever do.
I am thankful for my family. Without my family, namely my mom and dad, I never could have adopted Sadie. Being a single parent is not easy, but I knew that with their help and support, I could do it. They couldn't love her more than they do and they help me more than I can say. I can never thank them enough.
I am thankful for the beautiful country of Vietnam. I am thankful that they honored me with this amazing child. The people there were so kind to us. I can't wait until Sadie is old enough to go back. I want her to know where she came from and hope she will always feel connected to her country even though she lives so far away.
I am thankful for my amazing friends, both real and "virtual." My friends have always been a source of support and guidance for me, but never more than during the adoption process. In addition to my real friends, I am thankful for my "virtual" friends who I met online. There were so many people that helped me during the horrible wait to travel. None more than K. I wish she didn't live so darn far away. Will we ever get to see you and the mini muffin again?
I am thankful for my job. Yes, some days are not great. But there is so much that I love about my job. Mostly, the amazing people I get to work with.
I am thankful for my kitty, Bailey. Poor Bailey never saw this coming. I have really rocked her world. She pretty much lives in my bedroom now and comes down occasionally when Sadie is awake, but mostly when it is very quiet downstairs after she's fallen asleep. Bailey is 13 1/2 years old so I'm not sure she'll ever adapt to Sadie since it was just the two of us for so long. I hate that she is stressed out and not as active, but I still have hope that one day she and Sadie will be the best of friends.