Tuesday, May 6, 2008

my head is spinning...

I can't even believe all the things I've read online this week; and it's only Tuesday!  Just when you think things are looking hopeful - {SMACK} - another mind blowing road block.  I never imagined that things would get this bad.  I guess I was naive.  I knew IA had its issues, but it has truly become a nightmare. 

If you had asked me last December what I'd be doing this May, I would have told you that I would be getting ready to go back to work after 12 weeks of Family Leave.  Not even close.

With Sadie's 1st birthday just 19 days away, I started thinking about what a hard day that is going to be for me.  I can't sit home and wallow.  My mom is still not well enough for us to go do something.  So, I decided to make plans to spend Sadie's birthday with some of my best girlfriends.  The plan is brunch with cocktails (LOTS of cocktails).  Not exactly what I thought the day would be...but fun.  With any luck, I'll have good news to celebrate that day, but I'm not going to hold my breath.



The Gregs said...

I hope you will have news before her birthday.

Anonymous said...

cocktails sound good